General Chat

So, how about that Galaxy S3 So samsung recently announced the Samsung Galaxy S3. 1.4Ghz quad core, 720p super amoled (NOT PLUS! :( ) screen. What are all of your thoughts on this? Planning on getting it? I personally probably wont get it cause I'm happy with my S2, and a lot of the improvements are software, and will most likely be ported to the S2 anyway. I'll wait for the next Nexus or something, since the S3 basically seems like a Nexus with a better processor and all that samsung bloatware we love. B> Galaxy S3 firmware port to S2.

General Chat

So, how about that Galaxy S3 So samsung recently announced the Samsung Galaxy S3. 1.4Ghz quad core, 720p super amoled (NOT PLUS! :( ) screen. What are all of your thoughts on this? Planning on getting it? I personally probably wont get it cause I'm happy with my S2, and a lot of the improvements are software, and will most likely be ported to the S2 anyway. I'll wait for the next Nexus or something, since the S3 basically seems like a Nexus with a better processor and all that samsung bloatware we love. B> Galaxy S3 firmware port to S2.

General Bowmaster

Skill build for a 3rd job U/a ranger So due to the lack of post-jump/ascendation guides, and getting mixed answers, i've decided to post a thread about this. My current skills: Maxed Arrow Rain, Concentrate, Inferno, Level 5 Mortal Blow, 1 Drain, 3 Evasion Boost, and 7 Strafe. Just wondering, what skills should i max/not max? I've been told not to max Mortal blow, because nobody trains on 'normal' monsters anymore, but I think it may be useful just incase. Also to not max strafe, because i'll be mobbing up until hurricane. And nobody's mentioned not maxing drain, but I don't see why, it seems like a relatively useless skill, since its passive and i'm not so unfunded as to need it. And one more question, my current funding situations isn't t

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