


Daily Nut Coin limit from box? My apologizes if this question was already asked.... I was wondering if there is Daily Nut Coin limit from box......The amount of box can be obtained or can be open has no limit, and all previous event box had coin daily I expect this also apllies to Nut Coins as well. Daily Nut Coin limit from box? I am not sure but I think daily limit is 40 or something.. (Edit) Never Mind, I missed the '30' part from note.... :| Sorry for the post..... (Edit) Ok, How do I delete the post again?....

General Battlemage

Anyone else having this glitch too? (If similar question is already posted then my apologies) So... while 'Grand Light Aura' and 'Rune' buff is on, and when you use Battle Burst, the character is unable to move and stuck at the spot. But apparently it releases when you use different attack skill or buff....It is not a big deal, but it is quite annoying.... :/ I am not sure if it is just me or if other Battle Mage players is experience this glitch. Anyone else having this glitch too? Thank you in advance.

General Dualblade

How helpful is Kaisers Link skill to Dual Blade? Since Dual Blade is a Thief class, it doesn't have much HP....especially since it is not my 1st main and I am poor to give good equips so it has lower HP :/ lvl 178 and I have 12k HP So I am considering getting Kaiser to lvl 120 to give Hp+15% Link skill to Dual Blade, but wondering.....How helpful is Kaiser's Link skill to Dual Blade? +15% is quite ok, and it is better than nothing but since Dual Blade has low HP, I doubt it will increase much HP at all.....

General Luminous

How is Luminous Survivability and pot usage? I am a lvl 204 Battle Mage, and now I am considering switching to a Luminous. Since 204 is enough for me :) I already have lvl 142 Luminous and I enjoy it very much :) But I got a question about Luminous' survivability and pot usage....:/ Since I really hate using a lot of potion (Never had to pay attention to my HP as Battle Mage unless I am Bossing) How is Luminous' Survivability and pot usage? Thank you in advance :) p.s What would be good hyper kill build for Luminous? And any general tips for Luminous? :p

General Dualblade

How does Blade Clone function exactly? Sorry for asking a noobish question. :/ I recently achieved lvl 150 on my Dual Blade and learnt Blade Clone. MP -200, Duration: 60 sec, Bonus Damage: 140%, Cooldown: 90 sec When it was mentioning 'Bonus Damage' I was expecting extra lines of damages. But as I use my skill I don't see any extra lines of damages of number changes of damage. I am not sure if it is working without showing, or I understood the function of skill wrong..... So how does Blade Clone function exactly? Thank you in advance :)


Is there limit for getting coins from Frozen R per day? (If similar question is already asked, then my apologies and I will lock the thread) Is there limit for getting coins from Frozen R per day? I don't remember exactly but back then some event where we get some coins from use-tab boxes, I heard there was limit of getting coins from them per day. Like 30~50 I think...... I have been farming some Frozen R to get some coins, and after 30 (or 20? not sure :/ lost the count)coins, I am not getting anymore coins in one I was wondering if this is similar case from last years....... Is there limit for getting coins from Frozen R per day? Sorry for asking weird question......


Which Cygnuss will be easiest to fight Cyg ver Akairum? I am not sure if I spelled it right but .... Which Cygnuss will be easier to fight Cyg ver Akairum? I have lvl 120 Mihile with lvl 6 Noble Mind to get Cygnuss Blessing to 30, but apart from that it has no use for me. So I am trying to delete 'Mihile' and make my revamped Cygnuss Class get 'Noble Mind' instead. And to do that I must solo Cygnuss Version of Akairum 6 times at least. I know Cyg version of Akairum isn't much of challenge but not sure which Cygnuss will be easiest to take him down.


Can Cygnus link skill form same Cygnus class stack? My apologies for asking a newbie question also I tried to avoid posting similar question that is already posted. So please do inform me in taht case. Anyway, can Cygnus link skill form same Cygnus class stack? Cygnus Link skill grants Status Resistance and can be stacked total 5 times. Currently 3 Cygnus Classes were only revamped, and I would like to have link skill stacks 5 times before other Cygnuss class get revamped as well. And it won't be revamped any soon. Like next year maybe..... :/ Can Cygnus link skill form same Cygnus class stack? Example 2 Dawn Warrior's link skill to stack or does it have to be total different Cygnuss Class? Thank you in advance :) Edit : Thanks for the all


Can same Cygnus Classs link skill stack? With Cygnus revamp, 3 classes Dawn Warrior, Wind Archer, Thunder Breaker has been revamped and they all received same link skill and it can be stacked until total 5 link skill. I would like to know if same Cygnus Class's link skill can stack perhaps? example 5 Dawn Warriors to get total 5 stacked. Instead of having each of Cygnus Class. I am not a big fan of Cygnus but I find link skill (+ % Status Resistance) needed. So can same Cygnus Class's link skill stack? or does it have to be different?

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