General Chat

I love Chipotle Every time I go there, I always have a chicken burrito with brown rice, black beans, that tomato salsa, some cheese, and lettuce. After buying it, I'll throw some plain greek yogurt into it as a substitute for sour cream. According to their nutrition calculator, that burrito is 925 calories (not including my yogurt). I can function for the whole day with just that burrito, even after skipping breakfast. Are the Chipotle cooks secretly wizards or do you think they're giving me a bigger serving than what is being displayed on their nutrition calculator? And if the latter is the case, why would they give me a bigger serving every time?


I have a pair of Virtues Earrings and don't know what to do with [url=]these[/url]. I've been holding on to these in hopes that I could get the most potential/scroll the heck out of these (when tier 3 was the highest), but obviously Gollux Earrings have much greater potential now. I was thinking of using an anvil to fuse them with a set of Reinforced earrings or however that works, but I can't really see them under my current hair, and they blend in with my Imperial Duke Wing cape. I guess I could just not wear the cape, but, it's permanent and I don't like having it sit in my cash inventory. If I don't have any real options, I'm going to end up keeping them out of sentimental value, like that plitz


Mu Lung Dojo Mp Recovery I was going to ask about this the other day: 2 years ago as a Bowmaster, it was tedious to go through the dojo and sit at every resting spot. A few days ago I discovered that MP recovery at the dojo as ridiculously high and I could use both hurricane and arrow blaster at the same time. I thought it was a glitch at first, but it seemed to recover at a high rate each day. I assumed this was permanent. But now, MP recovery is botched again, and I'm using chairs to recover my MP. Anyways, I wanted to know if MP recovery increase was supposed to be permanent or not. [url=]:C[/url]

General Bowmaster

Changes since Jump? From reading , it seems that quite a bit has changed since the Jump patches. I've gone through it already and noticed some of the following: - Weapons no longer require secondary stats (so where does this put items like the Sai?) - 2nd Job ends at level 60, and 3rd ends at level 100. Does this mean I have a bunch more points to use for 4th job skills? - WOW THERE ARE A LOT OF NEW LINKED SKILLS AND CLASSES. WHO HAS TIME FOR THAT - Inner abilities have been introduced. My understanding is that this is innate potential. - Hyper skills have been introduced. From my understanding, you can choose any 6, but I only have 2 SP at the moment (and both of them in different categories). How do I obtain more of these? - The training

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