
The game itself, and if returning is worth it I have some cubed cra and tyrant equips for my Jett. I bought these like 1 year ago. I didn't play for very long though. I was pretty big into maplestory for about 3 years, but the game was really pay to win before. Has it changed at all? I know you can craft cubes since I was around for the update that was released in. I know it was pretty hard to get anywhere doing that before, and that the gap between funded, and unfunded was still pretty large. If I want to roll a new character is it worth it? Has the game gotten any better? Looking for real answers. I'll ignore any trolls.


Maplestory if the tank/dps/healer roles mattered Would you enjoy the game more if things more balanced and fixed? For example going into party quests, Tanks pull agro, dps attacks, and healer heals/buffs/protects. You get tries again at the start of a dungeon if you fail instead of just auto kick out. Damage has always been the biggest topic of MS since you can fund character to the point of soloing, but would you prefer this system if Nexon was able to do it well? It seems MS2 might run off this system, if regular MS did too, would you be more inclined to stay or just more interested in general? What other changes would you like to see to make the game more balanced?


Do you believe the game has become more fair? Do you believe the game has changed over the last two years to become more fair and content more accessible for players who play for free? Have the bosses changed at all to become less impossible without mass funding? or even possible to do in a party of full 200+ players with low funding to completely free players who spend time working on gear without spending a penny? How much time do you need to put in as a free player to match those who are funded, and is it worth it in your opinions?

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