


Which potential to keep? I decided to buy a black cube from the rewards shop and cube my 15% attack (6% luk) knuckle just for fun, and I ended up getting a 30% Boss, 15% Ignore Def potential (with an additional 6% MP), both unique. Thing is, my range is currently 200k and I'm not sure at this point which would be more beneficial for me. I'm a level 180 Shade, by the way. Thanks! EDIT: I can't access my current Boss% or my Ignore Def%, but I think that Boss is a bit over 100% (Maybe 110%?), and my Ignore Def% is something like 70%, if that helps at all.

General Shade

Making a new explorer I'm making a new explorer, and I honestly feel stuck in regards to the direction to take it. I'm not very funded, but I can afford clean cra equips and clean empress, so it's not too bad... but damage isn't my highest priority. Basically, my criteria includes the following: - Good mobility - Able to take hits/able to recover lost HP without potions - Has good Mobbing skills - Able to get to level 100 at a decent rate - Enjoyable/Fun So what do you guys think would best suit that criteria? I know that the last one is subjective, but I'd like to hear opinions. :)