


Maplestory Rap Just got inspired to make some, thanks to , I kind of enjoy these. Anyone who can come up with some just post them here! At: Anthony74 post yours from that thread here if you want. Mine: You're just a face rolling troll Who isn't very good with the lucky dice roll Even with 5 double downs You can't time leap back to have the maple crown. They call me the phantom of cards I see your destiny, you're nothing but a bl0whard Swiftest of the swift, I'll shroud walk even before ya loot Even more pro than a duped tyrant boot. Edit: 22:50 Basil time, g'nite everyone be back tomorrow to add more. EVERYONE post yours, and get some feedback, I don't care how bad/good it is!


Absolute Ring Event How it works So far from what I can tell is you are allowed to miss [b]TWO[/b] days at any time during this event. The extra day (+) is for those who only have +9 rings or lower. Currently anyone who has a +10 can't upgrade that to a +11. Anyone who ends up with a +8 ring by today (after upgrade) are UNABLE to receive the absolute ring. [b]Theories[/b] If you have a +9 ring by the end of today, and [b]WON'T[/b] miss any ring day events after then you meet the 31 upgrade total. Anything less than +8 by the end of today will [b]NOT[/b] grant you the Absolute Ring even if you perfect the next two. The + day is for those who have a +9 ring or lower to upgrade it on that + day, no other use than that. According to Gaga "

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