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100% chance to win quiz is broken 100% chance to win quiz I believe is broken. I do not know, whether you guys are able to get through it or not but I have troubles with the quiz. Apparently I answer the question fully correct all caps, all lower case, etc. However, it's the exact same question every time and I answer it but Cassandra only says it's wrong and think about it. Can anyone help or if they have the same problem? Comment/ reply ASAP and Thanks :/ Btw, I just recently, got the patch today so I just wanted to clarify that and throw it out there.


Does Treasure Island have an exploit? Recently Today i went onto my WildHunter to transfer my mesoranger equips so i can sell them. Then i remember i had A few stardust stuff. So i went to talked to Gaga about the treasure island stuff and went to treasure island. When i Opened the boxes level 120 equips popped up so i picked them up. And went a second round. My Friend tells me that Treasure Island has an exploit bug or something with the 120equips. Is this true about Treasure Island having a 120equips exploit bug or that its suppose to do that. I do not want to get banned. I have been Playing with over 7 years of this game. I would like to know, because i do not want to get banned. Im legit. Please do not Troll on this Threat, or say any b