

General Bowman

Hey there, Kevvl here. Help us update our gear Hey y'all, I'mma keep this as short and sweet as possible since I know I tend to be long winded and ain't nobody got time for that. I haven't played in close to four years, and my best friend and I decided on a whim hey let's try this out again, Maple looks pretty cool. I don't need help on skills or training locations, I was able to figure out most of that on my own. What I do need help on is good old fashioned gear -- my gear's crazy outdated and was pretty miserable to begin with. I've never been that rich, and I've always been [i]pretty awful at merchanting[/i] so I make do with what I've got and what I'm able to scrounge from bossing and events. [b]Once I sell all the junk we've got lying

General Site

Do you understand the rules? Hey guys, Kevvl here with some sort of a PSA/information gathering thing. Do you understand the rules? [url=]You know the ones.[/url] Go ahead, read them again (or for the first time) if you have to. If you don't understand them, do you think they should be made simpler or more complex and in-depth? If you DO understand the rules, but you're still getting suspended, is it because you don't care or because you feel the suspensions we make as moderators don't line up with your understanding of the rules? Feel free to be honest, I don't bite. Just don't use this thread as an outlet to complain about [b]specific suspensions.[/b] If you have an issue there, PM me.


Official: Nexon is Broken Thread [b]Update: Keep discussion about ANY Nexon Server Problems in this thread for now![/b] Right so Nexon's completely crashed for certain ISP's and it's pretty obvious it's a problem with Nexon and not the ISPs themselves. Either way, the ISPs that don't work with Nexon appear to be: OptusAus, Bell, Cox Cable/Cox Communications Network, Virgin Media, Optimum Online, Telus. If you've got a different ISP and Nexon's still not working, then feel free to post that. Also feel free to discuss any fixes, workarounds, etc. Just don't make anymore threads about it. :( Alternatively, you could ignore Maplestory and play Skyrim WHICH I AM GOING TO BLINDLY ASSUME EVERYONE OWNS.


Official: Nexon is Broken Thread [b]Update: Keep discussion about ANY Nexon Server Problems in this thread for now![/b] Right so Nexon's completely crashed for certain ISP's and it's pretty obvious it's a problem with Nexon and not the ISPs themselves. Either way, the ISPs that don't work with Nexon appear to be: OptusAus, Bell, Cox Cable/Cox Communications Network, Virgin Media, Optimum Online, Telus. If you've got a different ISP and Nexon's still not working, then feel free to post that. Also feel free to discuss any fixes, workarounds, etc. Just don't make anymore threads about it. :( Alternatively, you could ignore Maplestory and play Skyrim WHICH I AM GOING TO BLINDLY ASSUME EVERYONE OWNS.


I just learned i'm sitting on ~6 bil. upgrades for my wife and i? Hello everyone, your friendly neighbourhood Kevvl here in need of advice. Sometimes many eons ago when 50% 2-H Weapon Pink Scrolls first came out I had the cash and the forward thinking to farm and buy about 42 of them. Having not-played-Maple for the past few months, I hear from a friend that they're worth 130 mil each in Bera now (clarification?). With the ~700 mil I have on-hand now, that means a lot of money. Just a bit over 6 bil if 130 mil is the correct figure for 'dem scrolls Good thing too, because I haven't upgraded my gear since Potential came out. So Basil, how's about you help Kevvl and his wife upgrade some equips? Note: Nothing is potential'd except my Wife's e


Official Exploit Thread. Talk about how the hackers broke MS here Because seriously, this is getting ridiculous. xD Ok, this thread is for discussion about: [b]How the hackers broke MS[/b] [b]Nexon's response to how the hackers broke MS[/b] [b]Your own stories about what happened while the hackers broke MS[/b] [b]Your theories on what will happen now that the hackers have broke MS[/b] [b]Your suggestions on what to do now that the hackers have broke MS[/b] [b]Your complaints that everyone on MS is broke now that the hackers have broke MS[/b] As a brief synopsis of what's happened in the past short-while: [*]The hackers broke MS. [*]Event items, including Chaos Scrolls, became incredibly cheap. [*]People bought a million of them. [*]Nexon sh


Official Maple-is-dead-thread. Discuss Rollbacks n' Server Chacks Because apparently people are unable to view the five-hundred threads currently on this topic and insist on making their own. Dear Players, Currently some users are taking advantage of a known exploit in the 6th Anniversary event. We have attempted in the past few days to resolve this issue without affecting other players, but unfortunately we have been forced to take all game services down to avoid any further damage to the in game economy. During this maintenance we will address the exploit and those that abused it. We do not have an estimated end time for this maintenance now, but we will update you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience, and we apologize for the

General Chat

Official: Osama-Bin-Laden-Is-Dead-Thread Alright so, multiple news sources are reporting that Osama bin Laden has been killed/is dead. Of the 90 something news sources (and 900,000 twitters) touting this, I'm thinking the New York Times is a pretty credible source, eh? "Osama bin Laden has been killed, a United States official said Sunday night. President Obama is expected to make an announcement on Sunday night, almost 10 years after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon." [url=]Obama Speech[/url] Al Qaida has officially responded to the events, and is now mad. It is unconfirmed if they are also jelly. More info coming as more info comes. Let's keep this one

General Chat

More reason to hate the DMV [*]Did you know that DMV appointments can randomly disappear? You make an appointment 45 days in advance, then check the appointment the day before the exam and it may or may not actually be there. After calling the DMV to see what the error was, I got a jumble of information from an intern that didn't actually make much sense. All I could make out was something about "Vacation" and "Only one instructor today." More importantly though [*]Did you know that, 135 days after making your first appointment, when you finally get in for taking your driver test, that [b]the instructor can actually fail you for an infraction that doesn't exist? [/b] That's right folks, you can basically be failed on a w

General Tech

My Shift key suddenly stopped working. Hey all, Kevvl here. I have no idea why, but somehow and for some reason, my Shift keys no longer work. I can tell this isn't a hardware problem because it's not isolated -- it doesn't matter if I hit the left or the right shift, nothing happens to the letters I'm trying to type. I don't have any viruses, I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary when it stopped working, and I've already rebooted to no avail. I run 32-bit Vista if that helps. Any idea what the problem could be? I'm getting kinda tired of copy-pasting punctuation and hitting caps lock whenever I want to use a capital letter.

General Bowman

Kevvl's giving away guides - Bossing Guide still needs an owner! It's been way too long since I updated the guides, and at this rate it doesn't look like I'll be able to at all. At first it was procrastination, but at this point I'm literally too busy to update them both. Besides, I barely play MS anymore! I'm not really cut out for it. So, like Sapphire08 before me, I'm giving up the guides. So, I'm offering ownership of my three guides to some folks from the forums here. Anyone willing to take up the task? Up for grabs are: [url=]Bowman Bossing Guide[/url] It's not mine, but this still needs an owner. It has for some time now. Preferably a high level Bowmaster or Marksman

General Chat

I need a non-drug related song about mushrooms. [b]not "Badgers" by TheWeebl[/b] For reasons I don't really care to explain (not school related or anything silly like that) I need a song that's about, or mentions, mushrooms in some way shape or form that isn't explicitly drug related. Ideally something that wouldn't be considered highly unpleasant for certain folks to listen to i.e: death metal/hip hop. As easy as you might think that is to find, it's really not. Google turns up [i]bands[/i] with mushroom in the title or stuff about drugs, which is not my aim.

General Thief

Thief Guide Throw Away - Let's get some guides stickied! 'Sup guize, plz dun KS me. This is probably Pavchka's territory, but since I made near-duplicate threads in all the other sections I might as well make one here too. I was talking with B about the whole guide situation, and he agrees that the guides should be way more visible and the old comment system put back into place. The problem? We gotta remove the less used and less updated guides lest they clog up half the forum page with their thick gooey uselessness. We also gotta replace the outdated Pre-BB guides with the brand spankin' new Post-BB guides that I'm sure you've all been cranking out. I'm generally afraid of being robbed, so I generally don't walk through these streets very

General Mage

Mage Guide Transformation - Let's get some guides stickied! Lay your staves at rest, I bear no ill will to my friends of the wood. Instead, I bring a message. I was talking with B about the whole guide situation, and he agrees that the guides should be way more visible and the old comment system put back into place. The problem? We gotta remove the less used and less updated guides lest they clog up half the forum page with their thick gooey uselessness. We also gotta replace the outdated Pre-BB guides with the brand spankin' new Post-BB guides that I'm sure you've all been cranking out. Now I've never muttered an incantation before, so I'm not very familiar with how the guides are coming in this part of the forest. Any guides you think sho

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