

General Nexon

Dragon Nest Destroyer Build Questions Sorry for posting this here, but the Nexon forums seem a bit dead (no one's answering...), and DNsource just looks like a really sketchy site... This is for a hybrid PvP/PvE build. " After a bit more deliberation, here is my updated (prospective) Destroyer build for the level 50 cap. Level 8 stomp is for the 40% slow and level 7 flying swing is for the buff in SA/break at that level (according to [url=]this[/url], among other sources). Demolition Fist and Punishing Swing are at level 1 because I don't have the SP to allocate to them (do they gain increased effects as they level other than damage (perhaps, higher SA


Bigwigs, Boxes, and More, Oh My Looks like most people posted the Bigwig Box stuff in General, so... "Hello all, I've got two Bigwig Boxes that I'm trying to either trade or sell to someone fairly trustworthy. As the listings won't allow me to put them up for sale, here I am on the forums. Hopefully, I'm in the right one. Anyway, I'm not sure on the prices, but I think 80mil for one or 150mil for both seems about right. As the NX:meso conversion seems to be roughly 1k:45mil at the moment, the 2k worth of Maplepoints included should be quite a chunk of the total price. The 30 days of 1.2x (2 of them!) as well as two level 50 DB coupons (you can save those for the DB revamp event!) for only 60mil can only sweeten the deal! Cheers, Kyu&qu

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