General Art

Which Tempest class to draw? So, I've decided I'll draw another drawing about Maple, this time it'll be for the Tempest update. I, personally, think I've improved a lot since last time (I got them COPIC markers as well) and decided it'd be a nice to draw another Maple picture soon since doing so really helped me improve back in the day and I thought it'd be a good way to mark my progress. I'm in a bit of indecision, though: which of the three classes released (Luminous, Kaiser, Angelic Burster) should I draw? I'm going to let you guys vote to decide this. :I I'll be back a while later to see if anyone's voted. Thanks everyone. :) Drawing all three would be too time consuming/messy, so that's not an option.


Has this glitch? happened to anyone else? When I logged onto the Maple Story website this wonderful morning, I logged on only to find that my main character, in that little box Nexon gave them for the website, was gone and replaced by some level 111 Nova Evan named xevanx300. Well, I sort of panicked there...Did I get hacked? Did the hacker delete all of my characters and replace them with some sorry excuse for a replacement? I became really anxious and unsettled since I'd invested large portions of my time and efforts into my characters and would have been devastated to find that they were "murdered" over-weekdays, I only play weekends. Well, then, I clicked "PLAY" and began waiting for the patch to finish. During the w

General Pirate

Mechanic's Cash Shop Inventory I've got a quick question i'd like answered... Do mechanics share the same cash shop inventory as Battle Mages and Wild Hunters? As in, could i buy something and leave it in my Wild Hunter's cash shop inventory and wait until mechanics come out to use it on my future mechanic character? (e.g. VIP Hairstyle coupon) If you're wonding why i'm pre-purchasing the coupon, it's to obtain that extra 5k nx for the Nexon Cash Back Days event, and I like being 100% sure that i'll get what i fully want with my NX. Thank you very much if you answer.

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