


Reboot just can't decide on a main char I trained an Aran (140) and an Evan (110) but I'm not really feeling it. Sure, they are strong but I don't LOVE them. I trained a Shadower in EMS and I preferred those kind of classes, BS for mobs and dodging, assassinate on bosses and a couple of utility moves. I don't want to train another shadower but I'm looking for someone similar. I prefer one of the hero class (because they already have a pet in the nx shop) but It doesn't have to be. Do phantoms use a buttload of skills for bossing? Are Shades decent without scrolls (low attack on weapons) How is Mercedes at bosses?

General Thief

What to upgrade now I'm a 93 CB my dmg range is a measily 2001 - 2859 I'm Dexless atm I got a 89Atk unwelcome dagger (6slots) Ravana Helm (+18 all and 2%Luk) 8atk WG INT earring + Cape (planning on swapping in at lvl 120 for DEX earring and Dex/Atk Cape) 4DEX shoes (-.-) Blue belt (clean) lvl 17 BB ring, Crit ring and 2 Z rings Silver star badge (+5) Mushroom kingdom badge (+2) glasses, 1STR, 2DEX, 3Luk almost nothing is potentialed, what should I upgrade? I got a small 200mil at my disposal atm

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