


P/C Clean Crimson Arcglaive I'm in Mardia and I see a clean arcglaive for 255mil, was wondering if they've dropped or is it underpriced or what? It seems like they were much more expensive before, 400-500mil+. So was there some announcement or something that's killed the need for arcglaives like another Purple Surfboard event or something? I'm really curious because I would love to buy it but I don't want to get stuck with dropping 255mil on something that's about to be replaced anyways.

General Marksman

Post-Chaos Marksman build So I've read the guide (It's very good and very in depth by the way) and I have some questions on how I should build my Marksman in preparation for Chaos, because it should be coming relatively soon. Right now it makes sense to get US, 9 SE, then get onto maxing Snipe. But in the guide it says that with Chaos snipe you're gonna need a 20k range to equal what it is now. I'm not even close to that, and I don't plan on getting there anytime soon. I also read that after you start to get some points into Pierce it starts to be worth it. So my question is if my snipes are about to get almost a third weaker (my range is only 7k) then would it be more worth it for me to put early points into Pierce and get Snipe later? And