

General Art

Calling all gorgeous pixels requests Yes. I need some pretty people to draw headshots of. I am so. so. sorry if you're ugly, but it's a no... ): I shall be posting a sketch dump with them o_o Thanks 8D EDIT: I did one of and webcam pic'd it looll.... quality is preeetty bad o3o but just so people know what it's gonna look like :] I'll scan a whole bunch next week. EDIT2: ART TRADES. If you're interested, draw this thing: , post it here or pm me or whatever (I prefer dA link so I can save it foreverandever) , and I'll try to match the amount of effort you put into that picture on your character. (if it's sketch, I'll sketch you in return. Digital headshot, i'll do a digital headshot of you, etcetc.) If the character you want drawn is NOT you

General Art

Calling all gorgeous pixels requests Yes. I need some pretty people to draw headshots of. I am so. so. sorry if you're ugly, but it's a no... ): I shall be posting a sketch dump with them o_o Thanks 8D EDIT: I did one of and webcam pic'd it looll.... quality is preeetty bad o3o but just so people know what it's gonna look like :] I'll scan a whole bunch next week. EDIT2: ART TRADES. If you're interested, draw this thing: , post it here or pm me or whatever (I prefer dA link so I can save it foreverandever) , and I'll try to match the amount of effort you put into that picture on your character. (if it's sketch, I'll sketch you in return. Digital headshot, i'll do a digital headshot of you, etcetc.) If the character you want drawn is NOT you

General Art

Taking a few sketch requests So I'm in a drawing mood even though I don't have much time LOL... So I'll be drawing a few female characters, cuz I'm testing a new eye-style :] If you're a guy you can request too, but I'll be gender-bending you if you don't mind <3 I probably won't pick you if you have an extremely ugly outfit. I'll pm the thingy to you if I pick you; but I don't have a scanner atm so it'll be a few days >w< SourceofLuk: CoIorIess: xSarina: StoryNote: Side note: my drawing contest is still open. Info:;feature=channel_video_title

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