

General Buccaneer

KMST ver. 1.2.024 – Bucc Buffs I didn't see a thread on this, but Buccs got some buffs! Battleship Nautilus: damage has been decreased from 1020% to 440%, number of hits has been increased from 3 to 7 Mental Clarity: has been changed into a passive skill Willow Defensive Willow Defensive: has been changed into a passive skill Fist Enrage: damage boost when fully charged has been removed, damage has been decreased from 320% to 280%, number of hits has been increased from 8 to 10 Dragon Strike: damage has been decreased from 770% to 300%, number of hits has been increased from 2 to 12, cast delay has been decreased, 10 second cooldown has been added, in addition to existing effects, when this skill is used while fully charged, enemies


Which Sylph Ring to get? I have a max crit one already from last event (never finished it though) but I'm not sure which crit one to pick this time around. I have 56% min crit and 70% max crit. I'm a Buccaneer, by the way. Rings currently used: Explorer's Critical Ring, 6% str Tempest Ring, Absolute Ring, and 10% max critical damage Sylph Ring. Should I get the max critical damage one again (to replace my old, unfinished one) or should I finally replace my Explorer's Critical Ring with a crit Sylph Ring? Any help?

General Updates

Ip Address Issue So every time I log in from my laptop, MS says that I'm restricted from trading or dropping items for 15 minutes since I logged in from a different IP. This happens when I log out and immediately log back into a new character. I've changed routers like twice in the past two months (haven't played MS for four), so would that be the issue? Waiting isn't really a problem, but I'm wondering if Nexon can go all dictator mode and block my account for logging in from "multiple" IPs.

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