


How does one use Jayce? Title. I played my first match with him and I did pretty horrible even though I went mid and he has better matchups mid than top. 1) Do you E-Q(ranged) or Q-E(ranged)? 2) Is his W(ranged) any good? Even with the attack speed boost, I assume his sustained damage is pretty low since he looks like more of a poke based champ 3) Should I smartcast E and Q? I'm having trouble with the cannon Q and E without smartcast but I also prefer having the melee Q and E(targeted spells) un-smartcasted. 4) Is his sustained damage any good? Can he beat mages in a straight 1v1(no kiting) in melee form? Ranged? How about beating bruisers like Renekton or ADCs?


Which 4800 Ip champ should I get? Between Rumble, Kennen and Leona which one should I get? I generally like top laning more than supporting although I don't use any ranged top laners other than Teemo. However, the only support I like using is Thresh because of his aggressive playstyle and the plays he can make. If Leona is similar to Thresh in terms of making plays, she might be worth getting over the other two. Which one do you guys think is the most fun and also the most viable?


Which champion should I buy? I have around 10000 IP right now, so I can buy a 6300 champion and a 3150 champ. I decided on Hecarim for my 6300 champ but I'm undecided between Shen and Gragas for my 3150 champ. I generally like playing top laners more but I have a ton of top lane champions whereas I only have Fizz, Kassadin, Ahri and Katarina for my mid lane. I want to diversify my champ pool before going into ranked, so Gragas could be better. Which one would you guys get? Which is more fun and which one is more viable?

General Chat

Should I be doing blind pick or draft? I'm currently level 21 but I want to start preparing myself for ranked. I've won 8 out of my last 10 blind matches and wanted some tougher competition. However, before I get into ranked, I want to get the following champs and play with them for a few matches to get used to them: Jarvan, Riven, Ahri and Wukong. I only have 6300 IP and 1300 RP right now and I'm sure blind gives out more IP than draft. I'm also not sure if the people in draft are more skilled than the ones in blind. 1) Are people in draft more skilled than blinds? If yes, by a lot or a little? 2) Are the long wait times worth it if I'm in some desperate need of IP right now?

General Chat

New official rework for Master Yi Double Strike- Changed to triple strike. Third strike does 20% damage. Alpha Strike- Increased range by 1.5 times. Can hit up to 10 enemies now and cooldown is decreased from 14 seconds to 5 seconds. Meditate- Cooldown decreased to 15 seconds. Wuju Style- Passive bonus from AD increased from 10% to 30%. Passive bonus is no longer lost when this is on cooldown. Highlander- Biggest changes occur here. Yi now can't be stunned, knocked up or be inflicted with any form of CC when in Highlander mode. Duration increases from 10 seconds to 40 seconds and cooldown decreases from 75 seconds to 60 seconds. No, this isn't an official rework but it's my idea of what Riot should do to change the current Master Yi. He's p

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Banning phase in ranked LoL should be removed I started playing LoL for a few months and I was stuck. I was stuck because none of the champions I played so far seemed to mesh well with me. I played decently with Ashe, Ahri and Teemo but I wasn't too fond of any of them. Then a few weeks ago, I tried out Blitzcrank and he was perfect for me. When I was matched with a half-decent partner, I could easily dominate the lane. However, this was in normals(I'm level 16 right now) so I started preparing for ranked by researching about it. I found out that you could choose to ban 6 champs from the game which I thought was stupid since Riot did a good job with balance. Then I looked into it a bit more and found out the commonly banned champions(common

General Chat

Ultimate solution to LoL So I was playing a few LoL matches today when I noticed a few of my favourite champs were being used multiple times by noobs. Then I noticed it was because those champs were on the few week rotation. After those matches, I got tired of my champs being bandwagoned and disgraced by noobs, so I thought of a solution. Free week should be removed completely and everyone should just start with Ryze, who teaches the very basics of LoL. To compensate for this, the number of refunds should increase from 3 to 10(so that if someone buys a champ they don't like, they can easily get back the RP/IP and try another champ). Thoughts?

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