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Careful about Online Dating My Catfish story So I was watching the movie Catfish yesterday and it took me way back when I used to date in MS.. Well, I got catfished. If you don't know what Catfish means it's basically someone who uses a fake identity to try to start a relationship. Basically someone who impersonates someone they're not online. For example: That hot 17 year old girl you met online can be a creepy 35 year old man in real life. o.o Well anyway, It all started 4 years ago, I was playing Bera (best server imo) :P and I met this one girl named Nikki online. We met at Henesys (Maya's house.. LOL) and we started talking for a little bit.. boy, was I sprung. This girl was really cute and we would always talk like a couple callin eac

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