

General Chat

Help with Japanese homework please Hey, can someone who's good at Japanese help me with one of my homework questions? I have to translate "I went to the mountain with a Japanese man and woman" into Japanese. My translation: watashi wa nihonjin no otoko no hito to onna no hito to yama ni ikimash(what the fudge)ita. My friend's translation: watashi to nihonjin no otoko no hito to onna no hito o yama ni ikimash(what the fudge)ita. Which is the correct translation? Or the better question is....is anyone of us correct? Thank you~ :)

General Chat

Something that made you smile recently? Long story short: It was raining this afternoon and I was waiting for the rain to go by outside a store. A lady (might be the owner of the store) came out for a cigarette and she started speaking to me in Russian (I think). I couldn't understand her, so she left. After a minute or two, she came back with an umbrella and with her grandson who translated for her. At first, I didn't really want to take the umbrella because of the way that I was raised, that I was to not accept favors from strangers. I ended up taking the umbrella at the end because she told me that I can always bring it back since the store closes at 8pm and that she didn't want me to get wet in this weather. On my way back home, I kind

General Fashion

New Royal Hair - Detective Hair? Did anyone notice how the new royal hair - Detective Hair- resembles [url=http://www.google.com/imgres?num=10&hl=en&tbo=d&biw=1366&bih=664&tbm=isch&tbnid=fwrim7k-1djwdM:&imgrefurl=http://www.fanpop.com/spots/kudo-shinichi-fan-club/images/15215031/title/kudo-shinichi-photo&docid=eZLqV3ML6v8LMM&imgurl=http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/15200000/Kudo-Shinichi-kudo-shinichi-fan-club-15215031-640-478.jpg&w=640&h=478&ei=uxSbUMXnMs7O0QHPiYDQAg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=332&vpy=215&dur=1110&hovh=194&hovw=260&tx=140&ty=66&sig=116837158732256529234&page=1&tbnh=149&tbnw=209&start=0&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:8


Why would people do this? The other day I was doing an event on my level 81 DS around Henesys (the one where you collect 50 drops for a Jett badge and belt). The map was empty when I got there and the spawn rate was decent, so I started killing the monsters. After a while, a level 2x magician showed up and he started killing as well. I wasn't ksing anyone or accidentally killing anyone else's monsters. I was just minding my own business. Then the level 2x magician walked up and said, "Ranned, nobody cares about your damage" Why would he assumed that I was showing off my damage? I have no equips or whatsoever on my DS and her damage wasn't that good anyways. After I told him that I was actually collecting some items for the event,


Why would people do this? The other day I was doing an event on my level 81 DS around Henesys (the one where you collect 50 drops for a Jett badge and belt). The map was empty when I got there and the spawn rate was decent, so I started killing the monsters. After a while, a level 2x magician showed up and he started killing as well. I wasn't ksing anyone or accidentally killing anyone else's monsters. I was just minding my own business. Then the level 2x magician walked up and said, "Ranned, nobody cares about your damage" Why would he assumed that I was showing off my damage? I have no equips or whatsoever on my DS and her damage wasn't that good anyways. After I told him that I was actually collecting some items for the event,


What do you usually do on Maplestory? What do people usually do on Maplestory these days? I just logged on today and realized I don't have anything to do :/ I usually do PQs, but as usual, they are dead and I can't find a party. I did try to recruit in the alliance, but it doesn't seem like anyone wants to do PQs. Then, I tried mining and crafting, but I got bored after a few minutes. Any suggestions on how to make Maplestory fun again? New friends? New guild? New character? :~( :~(

General Paladin

Paladin help please Hello there, I am kind of new to the Paladin world :3 Can you help me with a few questions and perhaps, give me some tips please? 1. The other day, I was helping a party with a scar-run, and this guy said that I shouldn't crash when scar is on weapon-cancel? How does Magic Crash works? The description says it has a chance to cancel the buff, wouldn't crashing at weapon-cancel be the "right" time? 2. How do you effectively activate Divine Shield? I rarely use pots at lhc, but when I can't find a party, I train somewhere else like around El Nath and Leafre, I start using hp pots. Not in a pot burning rate, but it is a bit more than I thought? 3. The weapon I am using now is the 1h lvl 100 sword (I forgot the name