


Wtf Soul Split Was Nerfed? If you look at the description in orange mushroom, the kms one says: Level 1: 1240% damage on up to 6 enemies. Cooldown of 291 seconds. [Separated Soul] A soul is created at the enemy's location for 11 seconds which shares HP with the body. Enemies whose souls are separated will take 50% increased damage and will give 43% extra experience upon death. while gms one says: LV1: MP Cost, 62, Damage: 1240%, Number of Hits: 1, Max Enemies Hit: 6 - [Separated Soul] - Shares HP with body, Duration: 11 sec, Damage Taken Decreased by 50%, EXP: +43% - Cooldown: 291 sec


My fears have been confirmed Well, I made another thread complaining about how the new system with the 15% scrolls is better than 10 atk scrolls (at least on faf weapons), many people told me that i was wrong and the limit for scroll was 30%... now after reading the notes and loging in I can see that i wasted money and time scrolling a stupid faf weapon with those 40%. Meh, I'm mad, but now I'll have to get more safety and scroll another faf weapon, maybe sell my 10 atk scrolled one so.. Back to maple

General Fun

Yeah im this bored p if roses = red and violets = blue, then by the communative property the color blue is actually violet. And what two colors make violet? Red and blue which means you need red to make violet and since violet is actually blue that means you need red to make blue. But what makes red? The past tense of read. Because the word you read more than any other word in this equation? BLUE. You read BLUE creating violet. And because violet is actually blue it proves that I did not only just BLOW your mind, but everything you just RED(past tense) actually just BLUE you're mind

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