

General Art

Concrit please, while I sleep almost complete Wip (the hat's incomplete, and final touch-ups need to be done) Specifically, the shading- does it look correct, et cetera? I almost always get the shading completely off. Here's hoping I get it right? Additionally, how does the border at the top of her dress look too plain? Should I redo it? Any other bits that would benefit from being redone? -- fun fact: I did this [url=http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8038366/dumpster/tightrope%20rose/q1print.jpg]1 year 9 months ago[/url], and I was so proud of it. But now-- just. Holy pineappling hell. That improvement.

General Chat

I have a one hundred percent useless sibling He's not particularly intelligent. (He doesn't even speak with proper grammar. He started speaking when he was FOUR. He has the reading level of a child four years younger than him.) He's plays games more than 12 hours a day. He doesn't have ANY hobbies. (except games) He doesn't have ANY social skills. (Friends? He has no friends.) He's not good at ANYTHING. (Even in his game, he doesn't rank very high. He doesn't play instruments or has any artistic ability) He's dull and uninteresting (stemming from his lack of hobbies). ("So what do you like to do?" "I dunno.") He's not athletic. (Stick thin. And even in sports, he takes forever to understand the rules.) He probably has a

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