


thinking of playing again Because DFO isn't being re-released until next year, and maplestory 2 looks kind of uninteresting to me, I'm thinking of going back to maplestory just as a time-killer for when I have nothing to do. However, the reason I quit in the first place was because it was starting to die out and the community-aspect of the game was beginning to disappear (this was when I was playing around March of 2013). My main concerns are these: which servers still have high populations? Is the community better or worse?


Anyone need crew service? So I'm insanely broke (in Bera) and since I'm able to power level champions pretty quickly, I thought I'd sell crew service to those in need of crew members. I'm still deciding on a price (probably like 50m or so), and it'll only take me a week to actually hit 100 depending on the job I pick. If people are interested, just add Shyevana (my main) in game and message me! EDIT: My guild suggested I ask for more money, so I'm thinking around 120m per character.


I need some help or advice I started in Bera recently, like last week, and I have 100m so far and i'm currently 126 (some would say i'm broke, others would say i'm not, but for being new I think it's an accomplishment). So I'm already finding myself to be EXTREMELY bored with nothing to do. Here are some things I tried: -going to evo. lab -monster park/ monster park extreme using the everyday 2x buffs -farming ores in ardentmill to craft stuff (NPCS got rid of the things that reset fatigue! that's so dumb) I literally have run out of things I should do... my goal(s) are to make mesos so I can eventually cube my stuff, but I have no clue on how to make mesos if I don't even have a store, or even know where to start looking to farm drops from


Why are people complaining at Nexon? Does anyone not realize that the soul cause of games' downtime are the players that refuse to play fair, and instead, they take advantage of the opportunity to hack and dupe items? An insanely long maintenance wouldn't happen if people just played the game normally... I mean, maple is SUPER EASY right now- do you really need to hack to get ahead? I started fresh in Bera 4 days ago and my character is already 125 and I have mesos too. People sould stop messing around after every update and stop trying to cheat their way through the game [b]when it's already insanely easy[/b], because if you really think that it's necessary, then you should play something easier like neopets or club penguin.


Ways to make money in this update So I just came back to maple after being gone for a few months, and I missed a ton of stuff... so I went ahead and made a new account in Bera (PS if anyone wants to be friends with me in my new world, add Shyevana :D ), but I'm broke and insanely weak, so I need ideas to make money (specifically from this update). I don't really know much about the RED update in general, or past events that are still going on, but any ideas are greatly appreciated. ALSO, I don't feel like getting a store permit, so that idea is out by default :l


So im tempted to come back to maple Reading up on this RED update kinda makes me want to play maple again; idk why, but it just looks like so much stuff is going on that I feel tempted to give it a shot. Along with this, I'm strongly considering switching servers as well, but I really don't know which one to go to. I used to play in Broa before I quit, but it was getting insanely empty and deserted there, so I'm thinking about switching to a world that is not too populated, but definitely not empty lol. If anyone can recommend me a world to join, or even offer me assistance in getting started in a new world, I'd appreciate it alot!

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