

General Thief

Avoidability For Dummies [b]Introduction[/b] This thread is for all the thieves and Mercedes who don't really know how their avoidability stat and skills are used in conjunction to help "guard" against enemy attacks (sorry to the bowmen and anyone else who has avoid skills, but I don't have high enough level classes to field test their skills :~(). And by "guard" I mean dodging attacks, but for some reason Nexon had the smarterest idea to change "miss" to "guard" if you avoided an attack </3. Although this guide seems like its only for selected classes, it is important if people aim to dodge any attack, that is 100% avoid rate <3. [b]Calculations[/b] Sorry if the title of the thread is misleadin


Avoidability For Dummies [b]Introduction[/b] This thread is for all the thieves and Mercedes who don't really know how their avoidability stat and skills are used in conjunction to help "guard" against enemy attacks (sorry to the bowmen and anyone else who has avoid skills, but I don't have high enough level classes to field test their skills :~(). And by "guard" I mean dodging attacks, but for some reason Nexon had the smarterest idea to change "miss" to "guard" if you avoided an attack </3. Although this guide seems like its only for selected classes, it is important if people aim to dodge any attack, that is 100% avoid rate <3. [b]Calculations[/b] Sorry if the title of the thread is misleadin


Dcing in Cs I don't know why, but every time I try to go into cash shop on my angelic buster, I get disconnected back to the login screen with the "Unable to connect to server" pop up. I'm able to go into cs on all of my other characters, its just my AB that can't get in. I've had this problem for about 3 weeks now and I'm not an nx hoar or anything, don't "need" to go to cs. Except I bought these royal hair coupons (stack of 11) and I had 3 leftover after I got the hair I wanted for my AB xform state, but I didn't want to use the other coupons so I was waiting for nexon to update the royal hair for my AB non-xform state, so now I'm upset they might expire because they're still in my CS inventory which I can't get to. :~


Class Warfare Glitched? I finished my first round and got the bronze medal, and im now on the silver medal, done NW, Mech and BaM. But in the last (literally) 6 rounds, i have only gotten Mech, Is anyone else affected, or am I just screwed for this stupid event that didnt even get fixed until AB and we rly only got about 20 days to do it (1 week left) for an event that was supposed to last more than a month, and whose outcome is totally luck based, where unless you OCD this event then you probably wont get the "strongest class medal" (+10 all stats, +4 WA/MA) and that is probably the only reason anyone is doing this event since its the only good medal (gold is kinda okay). kinda lost my point thru the babble but yea..... got nexon

General Angelicbuster

Soul Seeker and Damage Reflect Since players cannot control if Soul Seeker keeps attacking a monster, and if that monster casts damage reflect, does that mean the player will die? Or maybe Soul Seeker will just do 1 damage and the player will be unaffected? And for everyone who keeps asking for p/c on Angelic burster books, you should just wait until the class is actually released for a more accurate p/c. But to give you an idea, the general guide for ABs is to max Affinity IV first, then Soul Shooter Expert then Star Gazer then Nova Hero. So generally those books will cost more than Celestial Roar, Trinity, Finale Ribbon or Soul Resonance.

General Angelicbuster

Soul Seeker Confusion Just wondering how soul seeker works, I know it has a regeneration rate (90% with hyper skill - make up) so after you cast it, it will keep attacking. What I don't get is how it does so many hits. It says in the skill description it does 420% then has a chance to regenerate, then recharges at 60% (70% if you have hyper skill - recharge up), but how does it do so many hits (like 10 or 15?) per cast. From what I worked out, SS would usually only do 6 hits, 1st attack > 90% regeneration > 2nd attack > 81% > 3rd > 72.9% > 4th ..... at around 6 hits thats when it gets to 50/50 (then its upto chance) So this would work out to be more like 6 hits per cast. Anyways if anyone could clarify, it would be greatly

General Site

Dear Mr. Basil, Why does the semicolon three face a nervous face? I think hyphen underscore hyphen double apostrophe looks morel like a nervous face. To me semicolon three face is supposed to look like an innocent/naive face. Its kind of annoying for me since i used it a lot and im not nervous. Anyways doubt people will actually take this thread seriously and it'll b filled with just trolls and spam. Btw what are your thoughts basilers? Do you this the semicolon three face is supposed to be nervous? What other faces should be invented/changed?