

General Hero

thank you! finally hero gets a little buffed up! Fighter, Crusader, Hero - The amount of damage Power Reflection can absorb has been increased from 20% to 30%. - A cooldown time of 30 seconds has been added to Panic. Damage has been increased from 670% to 1000%. The amount of accuracy it can lower to an enemy has been decreased from -60% to -20% and the duration of the darkness effect has been increased from 9 to 30 seconds. -The darkness effect from Panic can now affect boss monsters. (also changed for the Soul Master class) - The required combo count for Coma has been decreased from 3 to 1. (also changed for the Soul Master class) - The attack speed error of Brave Slash has been fixed (930 ms to 840 ms). The amount of monsters Brave Slash

General Warrior

my imputs on how to improve heroes alot of other classes are getting buffed up and heroes are basicly not changing Nexon should... 1. make Rage a + percentile instead of weapon attack to make it a useful party skill in the long run. (lets say at least +10% of total attack?) 2. make Enrage not single out a monster. stack on Rage. keep in mind that IT DOES consume all 10 orbs and make it of SOME use -.- (maybe +15%? idk) 3. added effect on Combat Mastery to make Coma/Panic stronger since it becomes pretty useless in high levels =( 4? something like heavens hammer because im really jealous Paladins have it XD sounds balanced enough? i hope you guys agree! comment if you do or dont and any other suggestions!

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