

General Chat

An I/L Mage, a Hero, and a DK walk into a bar An I/L Mage, a Hero, and a DK walk into a bar at Universal Studios, and have a great time. Sorry the punch line was stupid. Anyways time to tell a wholesome story. I'm not sure why i'm posting this here. I haven't played MS in years. Anyways, I started playing MS religiously back in high school. It was around a decade ago. It was just when MMOs were starting to get big and people had no idea how much of a social impact games like that were going to have. My first character was an I/L Mage and it was a great time to play MS. Leveling was insanely hard and level 70 was a huge accomplishment. I met some great people in Broa and we would play together a lot. We would Zakum run and sell helms, train

General Chat

Female teenagers of basil, would YOU see a male OGBYN? Long story short, I'm in that point in my career where I need to pick a specialty. I really like OBGYN. The issue is that i'm a guy. A lot of older women do not care about the sex of their gynecologist if he/she is good. However, a lot of women my age and younger prefer to see other women. With that in mind, when looking for an OBGYN doctor during your late teens/early 20s, do you prefer to only see a woman, or are you more open to seeing guys?

General Chat

Do women make less than men? So a paper came out that I suggest everyone who is interested in the pay gap read. Basically, a lot of outcry comes from the saying "women make less than men". However, it's more accurate to say "women EARN less than men", NOT "women get PAID less than men". If a woman gets paid less, it means she gets paid less for the SAME work, and that doesn't happen much anymore. However, women regularly earn less than men because they tend to work in less lucrative fields, or work fewer hours on average. This may be due to differing interests or family reasons. Opinions?

General Chat

Bernie Sanders tax plan makes me sad My opinion may be unpopular but I'll give it a go. I've seen a picture floating around where it shows the old tax rates in one column and Bernie's proposed tax rates in another column. I've also seen several "Condescending Wonka" pictures and all of these posts basically saying something along the lines of "Oh, you don't like Bernie's tax plan? Go cry more about your 250k salary. Some people are less fortunate and would love your life." Do you want to know why people with a 250k+ salary care? Yes, 250k is a lot of money; but for a lot of people, it didn't come easy. While other kids played Halo or CoD after school, I was at home doing practice standardized testing books and supplement

General Chat

We need to get over fat acceptance Obesity is a huge problem in America. It takes a huge toll on our healthcare system, and I think part of it comes from people trying to spread fat acceptance. No one should be an ass to someone else, but at the same time, no one should spread the idea that being obese is healthy. Right now, obesity is the leading cause of health problems in the United States, but it's not being addressed as so because people like to spread around the idea that we need to accept people for who they are, so people are scared to point out that someone is fat and should stop eating so much. If I tell someone to stop smoking or they'll get lung cancer, it's fine. If I tell someone to stop excessively drinking or they'll get cir

General Chat

Ethics question Pretend I want to donate a liver. Also pretend I absolutely can not stand white people and I will only agree to donate my liver to a patient if the patient is not white. Should this be allowed? What if the hospital refuses my request and as a result, I pull my liver off of the donations list. Would the hospital or I be more responsible for a patient's death. People discriminate all the time by donating their organs to loved ones and that's acceptable. In this hypothetical case, it's me wanting to donate to the organ registry with the only caveat being no white people, so replace "donating to my loved one" with "donating to no white people". What makes this ethically different? In both cases, I am donating

General Chat

One thing ive noticed about carrier choices One thing i've noticed is that people in more science, engineering, or arts type career tend to pick it because they like what they do where as people in more economics, accounting, or stock type carrier tend to pick it because they like the money associated with it. Of course there are exception, but it's something I've picked up. Many of my friends working for banks or in trading hate their jobs, but like the financial compensation and weekend/nightlife lifestyle where as my friends in healthcare, engineering, or teaching jobs like what they do despite the pay. Opinions?

General Chat

So about fat acceptance Obesity is more than a health concern; it is the most serious health problem our nation faces, period. It contributes to heart disease, the #1 cause of death in America. It significantly reduces the individual's quality of life and interferes with a person's basic functionality. It drains taxpayer dollars and hurts the economy. It burdens families at the interpersonal level. Tobacco, while harmful, pales in comparison to the damage potential of obesity. However, it is socially acceptable to tell a person to quit smoking because it'll kill them, yet it is considered rude or bullying to suggest the equivalent about weight loss. How much longer is society going to accept this?

General Chat

Being attractive matters One thing i've learned about life that younger people are generally naive about. When we're younger, we're taught that work hard will bring success. For the most part, working hard will never hurt your chances of success. However, the real world is all about superficial things, and it's much easier to be successful if you're attractive or know someone. With making the right connections, it makes it possible for anyone to know someone to get an in, but one of the biggest factors is attractiveness. The most basic way to think about this is this: you can teach someone skills, but you can't teach someone genetics. In the top business schools, almost everyone is attractive. You can teach them how to analyze stock, how to

General Chat

Being attractive matters One thing i've learned about life that younger people are generally naive about. When we're younger, we're taught that work hard will bring success. For the most part, working hard will never hurt your chances of success. However, the real world is all about superficial things, and it's much easier to be successful if you're attractive or know someone. With making the right connections, it makes it possible for anyone to know someone to get an in, but one of the biggest factors is attractiveness. The most basic way to think about this is this: you can teach someone skills, but you can't teach someone genetics. In the top business schools, almost everyone is attractive. You can teach them how to analyze stock, how to

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