General Shadower

Best Shadower Key Setup Post Red? Hi guys! as red is coming i really am curious to see how all you fellow shads would change your Key/Macro Configs Here's mine: Z=Pickup x=B-step c=MC v=Muspelheim b=8 n=BSSB m=minimap ,= ME .= Mount A=macro Booster>Karma>Haste S=macro Shadow partner>Darkness(UA FTW) D=Shadower instinct F=Meso Guard G=PP H=DF J=Info K=Skill L=Smokescreen ;=Sudden raid q=Ter&c w=Epic Adventure e=equips r=ginger ale t=all cures y=npc chat u=buddy i=invertory o=Pt search p=Pt window [=Flip the coin ]=Veil of shadow `=attack Ctrl=Vampire Alt=DS Space=jump Del= full heal pots like G-Pots 1~6 are separate buffs 7~= are chairs and my shift is broken :(

General Mechanic

I Demand A Revamp Aight guys. Us, mechs, you can't just surrender to RED since we get no revamps. WE play in a game called mapleSTORY. Things change better and worse, and the introduction of Xenon should also buff Mechanics and guess what they didn't. Aight, here's my rough idea for a mech revamp: 1st job: Nice and simple. Gatling as usual, drill very useful don't get rid of, Mech-prototype. But since the xenon have the realign system or whachamacallit. Prototype should be split into different modes. Speed mode: only deploy mech legs, makes you run very fast and jump really high. Gatling/drill cannot be used. But you can use regular attack-----> Mech low mobility problem solved. Prototype: like the regular Attacker type: only deploy arms

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