

General Hero

I really didnt want to make this thread, but. On my hero I currently have I believe 72% crit with enrage, and I should be getting decent SE gloves soon. My min crit is 49% and my max is 53%, and I am wearing the adventurer ring that gives 15% crit and 5% min crit. (Using cards of course) What should I pick for the Sylph ring? And does it really matter (As in should I wear it?). I can't really see how min crit would help me much unless I took off the crit ring, but even then it would be throttled by the max crit and my crit chance would be much lower. And on the flip side I fail to see how max crit would help because I'd have to take off another one of my gollux rings in order to wear it right? Can someone give me some insight into this? Wha


Making Mesos Hey guys, I tend not to have much time to play MapleStory each day and I was wondering if there was a way to make mesos easily every day without putting much time into it. I already do gollux and other bosses, but I don't have much time to spend buying and selling items anymore. (Plus gollux is hard to get rid of nowadays) Is there something simple that I could put a few hours preparation into and get some small return on? Like some other boss drops or potions or something of the like. To clarify I'm not looking for a get rich scheme, rather just something simple I can do in the meantime to keep building up mesos for the weekend. Thanks in advance for any help :)


Crit Rate for Heroes So on my hero I currently have 72% crit rate with enrage on (I plan on getting decent SE soon, so that will be 82%), and my min and max crits are 40% and 50% respectively. So my question is should I remove my AB's character card (+40 DEX) for either shades (3% min and max) or Hayato's (3% min at rank A, but i will get it to S). At the moment I am also training other characters, so I have a mechanic card in the mix at the moment, and I would normally replace this with Shade's, but should I replace AB's with Hayato's too? Keep in mind that Puncture gives +20% crit damage for heroes!


Exp Stacking Question So there's 2x later today (5-11PM EST), and I'm curious about exp stacking for the event. I have several 2x Star World Exp coupons, a few 2x exp coupons we received not too long ago, a random 2x exp coupon I've had for ages (it has no expiration date on it, but I don't think it will work) As well as some 1.5x coupons I've had forever with no expirations on them. My real question is how many of these do you think will stack with the event? Does the star world stack with the 2x coupons we received from the box? Thanks! I know gold MPE should stack.

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