

General Chat

My epic adventure Today i hatch form me egg, but my mother not there. I ask big four legged creature if is my mother, but he is no. Then i ask 2 pegs wings if she is mom, but she is no too. I esk two more big four legs, but they is no either. I hen see big shiny thang, ask if it is mother. He Is not, and i cant find mom. Then i find mom, but it is snort so i sez you are not mom? You are snort! Then snort find mom. my mom got scared. She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'I begged and pleaded with her day after dayBut she packed my suite case and send me on my wayShe gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket.I put my walkman on and said, 'I might as well kick it'.First class, yo this is badDrinking orange juice out


Style box price check Hey ge boxesuys :D I recently decided to come back to maple out of summer boredom, and bought 10k nx to get me started. Long story short, saw the spin thing on the maple website bought it, got some style boxes and i wanna know what i can sell, and how much i can sell it for xD Heres the looong list 8D Perms: Frog cape x1 White combat tunic x2 hades shoes x1 white combat habit x2 irina the betrayer x1 Limited: frog cape ink and wash painting ring white outlaw shirt aran's cape grey visor beanie striped hooded shirt red checkered shirt nerdy glasses seal pillow stylish layered plaid superstar headphones glowy patterned cap Thanks everyone :3 and iwill be updating as i open more boxes


Style box price check Hey ge boxesuys :D I recently decided to come back to maple out of summer boredom, and bought 10k nx to get me started. Long story short, saw the spin thing on the maple website bought it, got some style boxes and i wanna know what i can sell, and how much i can sell it for xD Heres the looong list 8D Perms: Frog cape x1 White combat tunic x2 hades shoes x1 white combat habit x2 irina the betrayer x1 Limited: frog cape ink and wash painting ring white outlaw shirt aran's cape grey visor beanie striped hooded shirt red checkered shirt nerdy glasses seal pillow stylish layered plaid superstar headphones glowy patterned cap Thanks everyone :3 and iwill be updating as i open more boxes


Flame launcher ROCKS Well, i made a mechanic(Being the ignorant stupid bandwagoning nib i am) recently, and I gotta say, flame launcher is a GREAT skill :P Heres a list of reasons: 1. its a great mobbing move. 2., at second job, when it gets it's Dot it gets extemely awesome. In CPQ, you just click on it once, they get Dot, and spam hammer till they die :D 3. Don't you hate those annoying noobs who spam cancel wep att in CPQ if you're winning in a FFF? Well, with flame launcher the Dot Still takes effect :D, so you just wait till the mobs have 1 hp, and rush em to death :] So, you can still kill mobs decently fast even when they summon cancel wep, and watch them whisp you saying HACKER 4. This is the best one IMO: IT WORKS ON BOSSES. No Jok

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