General Fashion

On the off chance I reserved an Ign you want I'm going into hibernation after I finish my current auctions*. While documenting my stats and so forth -- in case even more of my stuff gets deleted for no reason -- I noticed that I had about a dozen reserved IGNs**. Feel free to PM me if you want to make a new character but were deterred by the unavailability of a particular IGN -- it's highly, highly unlikely I'm the one who reserved it, but just in case! I'm refraining from simply listing them because who knows, if no one wants 'em, maybe I want to have that IGN anonymously if/when I return. //edit: And no, I'm not going to be checking quotes or replies or anything, just PMs :) Tired. * hibernation is very much like quitting except withou


Part-Time Job reward information I decided to compile some information about the part-time job rewards; your questions, corrections, and fresh input are definitely welcome, especially for the buffs (as long you're not trying to give info based off a vague memory :D). If you want to see the actual record that provided the data for this compilation, [url=]here's the Pastebin link[/url]. No guarantees as to the readability of that thing, though! [header2]General Information[/header2] (1) The quantity of item rewards and duration of buff rewards depends on how long you work. If you worked x and a half hours, it rounds down; if you worked x hours and 45 minutes, it rounds up. (2) Working the full six hours d

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