


Returning to Maplestory - Starting Over in Windia Hey friends! I gave up Maplestory for almost a year now to prioritize school, but now that I'm nearly done applying for colleges, I'll have a lot more time to play games (and I get frustrated from playing League all day) so I thought I'd come back to Maple. Seems like the perfect time with these Halloween events and IGN wipes. So, I thought I'd join Windia because I've heard a lot of good things about it, and Scania is too populated for me. I'll probs be making a character tonight or tomorrow, and I was just hoping to introduce myself and make some new friends. Leave your IGNs below if you wouldn't mind me adding you for some advice. Thank you so much. PS: Trying to decide between a Wild Hun


Starting Fresh in Bera Hey everybody. Unfortunately, even after looking at the recent server merges, I'm still not satisfied. My world BelloNova is merging with CMYK but I still want a more populated world. So I've decided to drop Bellocan after playing on it for 3 years and I'm moving to Bera. I would really just appreciate people to talk to so I won't be lonely. (It's a big decision for me because I'm leaving a few friends behind.) Any help would be appreciated. Thank you so much :)


How can I improve my damage? Hey everybody. I just recently came back to MS after a few months hiatus. So, I created a Night Walker. It's currently level 135. I would really like to buy the faf claw, but it's very expensive and also I don't know how I would go about scrolling it. I would probs wait till 6th anni. But how can I go about improving my damage? And how can I make mesos in a world that's not too populated? Thank you. :) P.S.: I play in Bello, and it's kinda lonely here, so if anybody wants to be friends, hmu :D


Night Lord or Bowmaster? Hey guys. I apologize in advance, I know you see a lot of these types of threads. So, recently, I leveled up my Shade to 167. I honestly thought I was going to main this class, I put a decent amount of funding towards it (100k range at level 160) but I seriously don't enjoy the class. They are fun to me, but not something I could play in the long run. I've narrowed it down to two classes that I'd like to play. Bowmaster or Night Lord? Both look really fun to me, and I've always liked thieves.I plan to play this character for a very long time, so I would really appreciate it if you could answer some of my questions: Which one has more bossing potential? Which one is easier to fund? Which one has better mobbing? Which

General Shade

Mercedes or Luminous? Hey everybody. I know you really don't want another one of these threads, but this time, I'm seriously torn between which class to main. I just started in Windia, so I have no funding or link skills or anything. Both of these classes look extremely fun, but I created my Luminous because I was dying too much on my Mercedes. However, after reading up on Merc and how they get iFrames, I think it actually looks pretty decent. I just have a few questions. 1.) Which ones easier to fund? 2.) Which one is more fun in your opinion? 3.) I know Luminous are the fastest trainers, but how fast does a Mercedes train? Thanks in advance guys! :)

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