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Themida quotCant run on virtual machinequot on Windows 7 Pc I've been having this issue for a few hours and I've tried a bunch of ways of fixing it. Registry editing hasn't fixed it. Disabling anti-virus hasn't. Reinstalling hasn't... I've turned to the game forums and here for help. Whenever I run the game, I get the error "Themida: The application cannot run on a Virtual Machine.". However, I'm not using a virtual machine. I'm using a Windows 7 Lenovo laptop. Has anyone else had this issue?


Why do some people not understand how exp works in PQs? I've been trying to get into a party for the level 70-120 PQs. I'm level 82, and everyone who adds me is either: 1) Over level 110. 2) Leads a party of a bunch of 120+s. 3) Adds a bunch of 120+s. This makes the average level well over 100, and essentially makes it impossible for the lower-level party members (me) to do a PQ, due to the exp downscaling from the level difference. Either everyone's stupid, or they just like taking advantage of a low-level person as a space filler for their grinding.

General Chat

Wheres my money So I got a job with my mom, working in receiving at her store. Along with this, my dad gets me to do chores around the house for $$. So my paycheck for working at my mom's last time was around $250 (I don't work much, less than 12 hours a week). As for my dad, various chores over the last 4 months have made me around $300. The thing is, my mom took my paycheck and put it in HER bank account, not allowing me access any of my money, and my dad straight-up REFUSES to pay me. When I ask my mom, everything's okay, she just reminds me to think about if I really need it, and gives me just enough to buy what I want (which I'm fine with). My dad, on the other hand, gets angry at me, and always ends up yelling at me, telling me that h

General Site

Clays Texts should be changed a bit. Either extend the answer to cover all possibilities for a clue (not ALL, but ex. If the clue is "Fierce markings on the skin mark war" (bad clue, I know), and say the answer is a face paint, have it be the respective face paint for each class, instead of the face paint for just one. It would help people who try it for one class, then stop when they realize that it didn't give them the letter, which leads them to believe that it's not the right item (ex, face paint).

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