


Quick Question about Enhancing and Clean Slates Soooo say I enhanced a piece of equipment, and then I decided to use a clean slate after I've done that. Would this work? And if this did work, along with the success of the next scroll I used, would the new enhanced stats update to the the scrolled stats? Just to be sure, enhancing gets stronger the more powerful the item is correct? That's why I'm asking if it would update the enhanced stats should the item get stronger through clean slates or something half-way through the enhancement.

General Mechanic

Why cant I transfer nx from one mech to my other mech? My Mech is pretty old. Back in the day we had to use STR and since I wasn't funded I pumped like 60 points into that sucka. So I decided to remake and now I can't trade NX between them? They have the same cash inventories, don't they? They both say "Mechanic" beside cash inventory when I open up the CS. What's the big deal? Do I have to be a certain level on my new mech to access the Mechanic CS Inventory?

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