


Maplestory 5 Years Ago So I'm about to move and I had to pack up some old things. I came across my old journal from 2007, and this is what it reads. (Keep in mind that I was probably in the sixth or seventh grade when I wrote this.) "11/9/07 I look forward to getting to level 70 in a online game called Maplestory. At Lv 70 I get cool new armor and I get to advance to my third job - hermit. I've been training all week for the past 2 weeks trying to get to hermit. Getting to hermit is something I look forward forward to. (Yes, I really wrote that...). Maplestory is an online game where there are 4 main jobs that branch off. The 4 main jobs are Thieves, warriors, Mages, and Bowman. Each has at least 2 branches. I'm a thief. The two branch


Breaking Down Potential System Can someone explain to me how exactly the potential system works? Here are some of the kind of explanations I'm looking for: -Difference between Rare, Unique, Epic, etc etc. -Which status (rare, unique, etc) yields what types of stats. -Tiers? -Pot Scrolls? EE Scrolls? Cubes? Premium Cubes? -High stat pot vs. High % pot -General prices of certain % equipment (Preferably the Chaos server, but other prices are welcomed for future reference for other chars.) Anything along those lines, or simply the answer to those questions would be nice. Any other information regarding potential would be nice as well. I've been playing MapleStory off and on for a really long time now, and when I came back, potential'ed items ha