
Do practically Free Owls ruin the Ms economy "Having free owls available for everyone is not healthy for the economy. Do you know what will happen if there are free owls? It will destroy the economy. The fact that there are price fluctuations and the sort are attributed to the fact that no one has yet dictated the prices and set them in stone. By making owls free, everyone will have to sell the item for the same price or slightly lower. Essentially, free owls will force everyone to set every price into stone. That's the most boring economy and many will quit." I found this comment and was wondering just how true this has been.


Quite possibly the best rings youve ever seen [url=]OP RINGS[/url] I don't mean to brag, but if you don't have these, your DPS just isn't up to par with mine and the select few who spent godly amounts of NX acquiring said rings. I have not only earned these rings, but the bragging rights that come along with them. These are the stats of Gods! Stats like these weren't meant to, don't deserve to be seen by the eyes of a casual player. Consider this a once in a lifetime opportunity that I show them to you, for they will never be seen again.


Is it worth being trying to become a collector Whenever I see someone with all these collectibles, it just really puts a smile on my face. It is so awesome how an old equipment can make one feel so nostalgic. Unfortunately, I don't know if I could accomplish anything near what some collectors have. GMS has been out for 9 years, would it be possible or even worth the time, money, risk, and effort to build up a collection of some sort? Would I be more successful just waiting for MS2 and trying my hand at collecting in that game?

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