

General Chat

I have a big problem, please help Brief summary: mom wants to get divorced from a nice man who can actually take care of us, and i cant tell him the plans she has. Longer version: My mom wants to get a divorce from my step father of three years, and she told me about her plans this morning. I don't really get why she wants to have a divorce other than the fact that they fight a lot, but it's really her fault because of her crappy personality and bad parenting. And yes, even as her child I can say that she has a bad personality and is a bad parent. My step dad is actually really nice and one of the coolest people i've ever met, and he's been putting up with all the crap she tosses at him without any qualms. Well, he gets frustrated from time

General Chat

What does this reoccurring nightmare mean? Warning: wall of text. If you don't want to read it, i'll provide a short summary at the bottom. I'm just describing a reoccurring nightmare, as it plagues my dream state every other night. I just want to know what the hell is wrong with me The first thing I remember is falling into a deep and dark cave, only to be stopped by hitting a strange liquid substance. The fall would have killed me for sure, but whatever was covering the ground had saved me. In hitting the substance with such impact, it found its way into my open mouth and nasal cavity. At this time I couldn't smell or taste anything, which was rather odd as tohse were given senses. Standing up, I swished around in whatever substance it wa

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