General Anime

Anime with feels I want an anime that will hit me in the feels- not to light, and not really a "slice of life" anime (those are boring). It can be practically any genre, but most feels anime end up being romance, dramas, comedys, slice of life, etc. Also I prefer more modern-looking animation and art style, so anything similar to kanon and clannad (which are both really good) I probably won't be able to sit through. EDIT: Ok slice of life is allowed; I've acknowledged that most feels anime I've seen are slice of life for a reason lol

General Chat

I need friends To be more specific: I need friends that are into anime and LoL. Among everyone I know, I only know three people that either watch anime or play LoL (and even then, they're not heavily into either of them). So essentially, I'm looking to friend people that I can chat with from time to time about that kinda stuff, either on here or even on FB if you want to add me (pm me if you do). I'm not lonely or anything, I just don't have anyone to talk to about my hobbies lol

General Chat

what game should I get into I got completely tired of League of Legends and MOBAs as a whole, and I feel like if I go back to maplestory I'll feel too far behind because the game is centered around elitists and OP gear right now more than ever. I want to get into a game with the simplicity of maplestory while also having more of a friendly community-based environment where you can actually meet people (basically, a game with a really good population size). If anyone knows a game that comes to mind, feel free to recommend one.

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