

General Icelightningarchmage

Are I/L Arch Mages Still Good? Hey guys! So you may have noticed that I already made a thread like this before. I am making a thread like this again to see if people have different things to say about the changes made to I/L Mages since now you guys have had more time to compare your performances in game. So what are your opinions on them? Have we been nerfed? I personally say we have gotten nerfed in terms of our mobbing damage output. The extra line simply doesn't compensate for the damage reduction to chain lightning itself, and chain lightning reinforced. I am personally really mad at this because I/L Arch mages were never really OP. I think the changes were unnecessary, and now compared to other classes, we are even weaker. Although li

General Icelightningarchmage

Have the I/L Arch Mage Changes Made us Stronger or Weaker? Hey guys, I would like to discuss the I/L Arch Mage changes that have been made. Do you think it makes us stronger or weaker? To be honest, in terms of our main attack, which is chain lightning, I think it got nerfed. This is because of the damage being reduced from 300% to 255%. In addition, they also nerfed chain lightning reinforced. I know we get the extra line on chain lightning from the new changes, but I don't think it's enough to compensate. What do you guys think?

General Updates

Where does maplestory put its files? I re downloaded Maplestory for the patch, and there was an error that occurred during the download. However, it had managed to download a good amount of files before the error, as I noticed I was missing 6 GB of space.. I am short on space, and I don't want to simply give it up due to files that I wont be using. So my first question is, if I try to download Maplestory again, will the files I already have be overrun by the latest download? Or will they just stack upon each other, and I have to go delete them to get my space back? And If I must personally delete them, where do I find those files?


A Very Simple Request to Nexon Please change back the login page BGM back to the original music, for creativity purposes and nostalgia purposes. Why use a BGM that is already somewhere else in the game like the El Nath one? The login page should have its original in my opinion and will hopefully satisfy more people. Fellow maplers, please cast in your decisions. EDIT- Alright Nexon, you see the poles, 21/23 maplers who have saw this thread want the BGM back! Please take our request into consideration.


Magnus charges are very annoying I am just sick and tired of his dives! Even when I am close to him, he just dives away and pushes me into one of the thousands of balls that are falling down.. It is getting very annoying. What other way is there to counter these attacks? I heard about the Mihile link skill, but I'd rather defeat that ********************************* by avoiding the attacks... So, is there any way rather than the Mihile links skill to avoid his attacks? I know that my damage is not a problem, because once I get time to attack him, his HP goes down pretty fast, I got a 600k range, but 15% boss f3, but since I have stack, I manage to hit 6m per line..

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