

General Site

Done complaining? Now, give feedback Personally, I love the new layout. And I totally understand why the developers decided to make a change. Yes, the old BasilMarket was charming. But it wasn't modern, nor was it particularly friendly to first-time users. It emphasized the forum above all else, but as you can see from recent threads, the forum is the most *toxic* part of the website. Not to mention that staring at the same old website for years makes a dev *want* to change it. That said, I do have a few recommendations of things that should be done: [*] Less breathing room for every content list. Because BasilMarket is such a content-heavy site, it's my opinion that every listed item with 2 lines to describe it instead of 1 is being given

General Icelightningarchmage

What uses do the attacks from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd job have? I think that the skills from 1st and 2nd Jobs are probably entirely useless due to low damage and having their utility matched by skills in the higher jobs, correct? [*] Energy Bolt: low damage (309% x1); replaced in spirit by either Glacier Chain or Chain Lightning. [*] Cold Beam: low damage (199% x3); replaced by Ice Strike both in range and freeze stacking. [*] Thunder Bolt: low damage (210% x3); replaced by Chain Lightning, with one less target hit. However, for the 3rd Job, I'm not entirely certain if these skills are replaced or carry onto the 4th job for use. And, if they carry on, what uses do they have? [*] Ice Strike: Large range attack that allows you to kill things below