


Did i get hacked? okay so i was on maple at like 5 am everything was fine.. i woke up at 11am and tried to logg on it said my pass was invalid so i tried to logg on using my email i tried to sign in with my email on hotmail but it doesnt work as well im not sure what to do atm.. also i havent been on any sites that couldve keylogged me or took my info. im not sure if its nexons end thats Effed up or is it something wrong with my account... is anyone also having the same problem?


Shadower range help For a shad I think my range is pretty low it's 7559-9980 ATM and my goal is to get to atleast 10.5k-11k My SP is STR-80 DEX-160 INT-30 LUK-798 My items: 15% luck vss clean 9% luck earrings 3lines Clean chaos zakum helmet 45 luck red Katinas overall 2x hammered 9 ATT PAC 2 lines I'm working on getting % luck and prem Cubing it 136 ATT 1x hammered pecas 2 lines 17 ATT clean dkanjar ALL STATS +3% 2lines 26 ATT 2x hammered Scgs 3 lines crap pot(working on getting % luck on them) I have both a MoN and HTP(Htp is 3 lines 3% luck) Money isn't that much of a problem for me I just need some suggestions on what to upgrade. Also I'd like to know what are the damage ranges for reg bandits Thanks in advance =]


What should I upgrade on? For a shad I think my range is pretty low it's 7559-9980 ATM and my goal is to get to atleast 10.5k-11k My SP is STR-80 DEX-160 INT-30 LUK-798 My items: 15% luck vss clean 9% luck earrings 3lines Clean chaos zakum helmet 45 luck red Katinas overall 2x hammered 9 ATT PAC 2 lines I'm working on getting % luck and prem Cubing it 136 ATT 1x hammered pecas 2 lines 17 ATT clean dkanjar ALL STATS +3% 2lines 26 ATT 2x hammered Scgs 3 lines crap pot(working on getting % luck on them) I have both a MoN and HTP(Htp is 3 lines 3% luck) Money isn't that much of a problem for mr I just need some suggestions on what to upgrade. Thanks in advance =]