
Boss Vs Att percentage Guide These two links will help you understand WHY boss % has to be 10x that of % attack. Up until now every one i asked has told me to keep my boss % under 270 and the rest of my potential lines at % attack. at 99% attack and 197% boss damage, I can tell you personally this is NOT the way to cube your items. It honestly felt very very inefficient to go towards so much attack %. [url=]Boss to Att Calculator[/url] [url=]An Actual Explanation as to why it should be[/url] I Tried to add another link but it was not allowed so I will let you basilers google and do some personal research I've spent a l


Best mobber to semi-fund Was wondering which class had both mobility AND great mobbing skills (namely SDH) The reason why I didn't add any str heroes is that my main is a kaiser and it seems redundant to fund yet another str character. I also find that str heroes are bit more on the "not-so" mobile side. If theres a character you don't see in the post, please post which one below and why. Also bonus question. When Kinesis comes out, do you guys think it will be the king of mobbing?


What next to upgrade So I recently made a thread on whether I should cube my weapon or not, and I realized I didn't give enough information for the community to chime in on my next move. Here's a list of my equips. I'd greatly appreciate what I should upgrade next. I used this chart I found online and it informed me that I am not strong enough to solo hell gollux even with about 2.2-2.3m range :/ [url=][/url] edit: with kaiser's attack mode buff, my crit chance is 62% and boss % is 258, PDR is 82%. I also have decent SI on a spare glove.

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