

General Mihile

Mihile cant get Andras hat? So I remembered that warriors could get that monster hat, and for warriors it's called "Andras Hat". So I went to that Dances With Balrog dude, and started the quest. But when I got to the Demon's Doorway, it wouldn't let me in because I'm not an explorer,Aran or DW. I have all the requirements which are to be under 40, have that ETC item except the class. Are Mihile's not supposed to get it in the first place, or was this...forgotten by Nexon?

General Phantom

Cant use skills on my Phantom? After 5 minutes of henehoeing with only a baseball bat equipped (2h sword for all jobs) I wanted to go back to training. So I put on all my equips, including my cane, and head to CDs. Since I'm poor, I have to travel everywhere, so on the way to Kerning, I was going to kill some mushrooms. When I tried to use my buffs which were Channel Karma,Magic Guard, and Cane Booster, wouldn't work. Then I tried Calling Card, and Carte Mille, which also didn't work. So then I logged off and logged back on. The skills still didn't work. I tried all the skills I had stolen, and some 1st job Phantom skills. Every time I used a skill it would say "This skill cannot be used with the equipped item." while I was equipp

General Tech

Getting hacked on almost Every Site This all happened recently. My email, and my parent's email was hacked. So was my facebook. Then I made a new email, and it got hacked, and so did my facebook. And then I made another email, which got hacked, but this time, my facebook got deleted! And today, my email and facebook were hacked, but I've got my facebook under control again. THE HECK IS HAPPENING? And well, this is a new computer, so I can't possible have a virus. Edit: When I make the new emails, I get hacked a few weeks after I make them.


My personal training spots from 30 - 120. (Are they good?) 30 -37 - Mushroom Kingdom (Theme Dungeon) Quests. 37 - 51 - Carnival Party Quest 1. 52 - 57 - Sorry. This one is a secret. 58 - 63 - Ludibrium Toy Factory : Aparatus Room. (Robos and Master Robos). 63 - 65/67 - Zipangu : Vanished Village (Water Goblins). 65/67 - 80/83 - Haunted House : Chimney Possesed By the Clown (Twisted Jesters). (If trained to 80 at TJs, Rex Party Quest to 83). 83 - 90 - Alcadno Research Institute : Lab - Area B-1 (Mithril Mutae) or Alcadno Research Institute : Lab - Area A-1 (Reinforced Mithril Mutae. More EXP but more HP). 90 - 100 - Alcadno Research Institute : Lab - Area C-2 (Neo Huroid and Roid). 100 - 110 - Pirate Party Dungeon (Herb Town) (Captain and Kr