
the story of the player who stuck with maple for six years I am anticipating a wall of "too long; didnt read" responses, but that's alright... I don't expect you to read it all or pity me; I just typed this up to gain some catharsis. Note: This basilaccount is not my main, but merely a (in reddit terms) throwaway account so don't ask me for my stuff. Actually I'm expecting this thread to sink to the bottom with no responses haha So yeah.... my story began like every maple story, in maple island with poorly rolled stats back when one would have to roll for their starting stats I was horrible at grinding as I took time to explore the environments, especially those of perion. I tried challenging myself by "bossing" iron hog


what is this hack called? i was passing thru mr. hankys in leafre then I saw a dead evan with a bunch of aggro-ed mr.hankys around him. i airstriked them all out. Then suddenly... random aggro-ed Mr. Hankys start falling from the top of the map, spawning near the portal, etc and formd a conglomerate around the dead evan...within 4 seconds. I killed them for a little bit thinking "gee this map is pretty pwnsome" but then I was like "...ZOMG ITS A HAX0RZ QQ IMMA GET BANNED" ... i never saw or heard of this hack before and im surprised that it works even after death (yes I blame the dead evan).


KSing mechs if I can do it, you can do but i cant do it T.T, well not efficiently that is. usually i find myself ksing 1 mech at a time on my blazewiz 11X. does anyone know any more populated maps so I could maximize the effect of each skill (ksing multiple mechs simultaneously)? Also, I try to ks mechs on my sair for the irony of it (I highly recommend this). so yea... cmon maple; if we all work together, we can ks the o/p out of mechs actually not really, but we can still bother the crud out of them. =)

General Corsair

"outlaw" is to "sair" the way "usain bolt" is to "a turtle" (yes basil cut off my title, which was meant to be an analogy emphasize the poor mobility of sairs) i always that the process of slinger to sair would be like from a caterpillar to a butterfly or a magikarp to a gyrados, but the new sair job is extremely slow which is a sharp contrast to the mobile and nimble outlaws The boat animation is way too slow and the torpedo takes way too long to fire the first shot. My mobility with boat is absolutely horrendous. Its so annoying to dismount just to climb a rope and then remount again. because of this immobility ill probably be stuck at dual pirates until 13X rite now at lvl 124, most of the time, my