

General Buccaneer

The wanna-be-dbz bucc redesign Lets make buccs broken 4th job change Buccaneer Blast Unleashes a powerful energy blast. Can only be used when energy is fully charged. Allows you to charge additional energy as passive effect. Number of Attacks: 4.> **Charge your energy for up to 4 seconds. Release at any time. Upon charging for 4 seconds, skill activates as a key-down skill. Number of attacks:5. ** Dragon Strike Summons a sleeping dragon from the depths of the ground damage multiple monsters. Number of Attacks: 2, Max Enemies Hit: 6 Active Skill. > **Summons an angered dragon from the depths of the ground to damage multiple monsters. Number of attacks: 12. Max enemies Hit: 12 Damaged % greatly increased (Cooldown of 15 seconds) Animati

General Marksman

Some advice so for the sake of transparency, my equips are- solid ring (70 traced, 6 star) evolving ring (meh stats, don't have a reinforced) 5 star solid belt (12% dex) ABR (dunno why i have this, will prob replace with reinforced ring) half earrings (12% dex) RA hat (crap pot 2l unique, trying to work on it to no avail, these cubes are savage) RA top (6% dex epic) RA bottom (3% dex rare) SW crossbow (11 star [decently scrolled] 3l unique with 4% dex, 7% total damage and 10% crit) 3% att rare secondary wep (dropped so many epic pot scrolls to no avail, fml) rare crap pot 3l emblem (thank god its 3l) No pocket slot (lv 22 charm atm) Will get the 800 candy totem from RLH tmrw. Shoes- 1 star Nova boots. nothing special Cape-2 star tyrant cape


I just want to share this To start the story, some guy was requesting an innocence scroll service for 100m, right? Not sure if that's the right price, but i did it anyway. He traded me his +1 SWEETH20 GLASSES fused with SPECS with SEVEN % LUK. With no collateral. So basically, if i wanted to, i could have just run with those glasses, make 500M, and never be heard from again. If i was a scammer, of course. Obviously, i let the good side of me innocence the item and move on, but when i trade him back, it's almost as if HE tried to scam me, because he didn't put any money in, and would have run off if i didn't notice. I corrected him, blah blah, yelled at him for trusting a stranger, blah blah. TL;DR Guy gives me 500m+ eye accessory with no co

General Marksman

How far off? So i managed to get a clean emp for 30m , =p. I tried scrolling it and landed 3/9 red scrolls -.- No protections cause i can't afford. So right now its about 155 att, i believe. I used an epic pot scroll and somehow landed it, and got 15% PDR (making my total pdr 60, to my surprise.) Is this to far off from other scrolled empress crossbows to be considered "end game"? I still have a 100% innocence from hot time in case some new and OP scroll comes around, but im still curious.

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