
Kmst Hyper Stat changes The post before that covered the new hyper stat changes caused some confusion in the comment section so I'm here to clear things up. At level 200, you get a total of 339 hyper stat points. It takes 10mil meso to reset your hyper stats. **STR/DEX/INT/LUK (max level 10): Amount of points needed is 1,2,4,8,10,15,20,25,30,35 for an increase of 15,30,45,60,75,90,105,120,135,150 HP/MP (max level 10):** Amount of points needed is 1,2,4,8,10,15,20,25,30,35 for an increase of 2%,4%,6%,8%,10%,12%,14%,16%,20% **DF (max level 5): Amount of points needed is 1,2,4,8,10 for an increase of 10,20,30,40,50 Move Speed (max level 5): Amount of points needed is 1,2,4,8,10 for an increase of 4,8,12,16,20 Jump (max level 5): Amount of poin

General Buccaneer

Kmst Reboot part 3 - Bucc Some exciting news for Buccs in the latest balance patch. Octopunch's range got buffed. The range increase is significant. The effect definitely matches the hitbox (looks like the hitbox is a bit more further than the actual effect but this isn't accurate). Spiral cancelling's cooldown got down to 4 seconds. From 10 seconds it became 4 seconds. I like the how Nexon is actually using their brains now. 4 seconds seems a bit awkward (could bring it down to 3 but if they don't it's fine this way). One nerf is Typhoon Crush being changed up. It previously ignored 100% def by skill in a 40% chance, now it activates per line. So each line of damage will have a 40% chance to ignore 100% def. Now you need to get some %pdr o

General Cannoneer

Inner ability decision Cannoneer main here. I just have a question I would like to ask for opinions of fellow Cannoneers. My Inner Ability right now is: random, 30 att, random (from top to bottom) Attack speed +1 is a must for Cannoneers and I am struggling to choose from the two options listed below: 1. Buy cash circulators and get attack speed on the first line, trashing 30 attack on the second line. I will have accumulate honor exp over time to lock and reset the second line. 2. Accumulate honor exp to lock the second line as it is the highest attack you can get, and reset the first line for attack speed The first option would be the logical way of doing this but 30 attack is the max attack you can get within Inner ability (and it appear

General Buccaneer

Typhoon Crush inquiry Quick question to all Bucc pros out there. Does typhoon crush have a chance to ignore 100% pdr at a 40% chance for each line (which seems like the logical explanation) or as I heard it before in KMS forums, does it ignore 100% every line once one line has typhoon crush has been activated? ( and apparently this is considered a glitch by KMS players?) Not sure if I worded it so you guys can understand. I will try and rephrase it if anyone cannot understand what I'm trying to say.

General Cannoneer

Sw and Ra or tyrant? Sup guys I'm debating if I should go with the 3 set RA gear + 4 set SW gear or just keep the 4 set RA that I have now and just go with tyrant gear? The problem here is the SW + RA combo gives around 100+ attack just by set effect but I have yet to cube my weapon for decent amount of boss % but tyrant gear is generally a to-go end game equipment from what I hear. I have enough funding to get both of them but I think 3 set RA + 2 set SW + tyrants is out of picture for me. If anyone has any advice for me please do :) Thanks guys.


Most purchase event Something i noticed in the patch notes: Most Purchase Event December 18 - January 31 This event is a 'Thank you!' for participating in the Black Friday Big Spender Event! You will receive a special reward based on NX spent during the event. Rewards: - For players who spent 30,000 NX - 49,999 NX: - 3,000 Maple Points - For players who spent 50,000 NX - 69,999 NX: - 3,000 Maple Points - Permanent Persian Cat Pet - For players who spent 70,000 NX - 109,999 NX: - 3,000 Maple Points - Permanent Persian Cat Pet - Tyrant Armor Box (receive one lv. 150 Tyrant equip at random) - For players who spent 110,000 NX or more: - 3,000 Maple Points - Permanent Persian Cat Pet - Tyrant Armor Box (receive one lv. 150 Tyrant equip at random

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