

General Mechanic

Moving back to my Mechanic Posted in the wrong section before, meant to post on pirate. So I heard all about the upcoming nerf on Mechanics, but I've always wanted to revive my mechanic since it was the first class I hit 200 on; it was also the one class I enjoyed playing a lot back in the days. I'm sticking to a budget of not spending more than 10b per item to see how far I can get. It's also a test to see how funded one can get just buy getting stuff off FM and not cubing anything myself. I don't think it's been too shabby, the merge with broa definitely brought a good economy to khaini. I put together a video I'm only using FM Items and Spell Traces to scroll them. I don't believe I'm going to prime scroll anything as the incident with m


So, anyone else actually calm? To be frank, I am surprisingly calm, started losing interested in this game and the only thing that was forcing me to actually come online was trying to get to 250 since theoretically I only needed 7 more levels to go. Group of friends on skype told me about it and we all did it together, I had nothing to gain, I was bored out of my mind and wanted to cube some random junk, worth it? Not really due to the fact that I lost 800% int total between two characters but since majority of it did not come out of my wallet, this to me is just an excuse to finally leave this game. So, who else here is calm? I'm seeing a bunch of rage threads so this one should be different.

General Shade

Found an old Ss So back in the days (not another one of these bullcrap tales) has anyone else actually been randomly hacked? I for one can say that I was [url=]Friend emailed me this SS he took while we were chatting during 2010 when Evan's were released[/url] I do remember it clearly, I was in HHG1 hunting for eggs during the evans release event where you'd open eggs and get rewards, there was a chance to get three types of rewards and the 1st prize was actually the Apple iPod. The notice appeared Game-Wide, meaning every other server saw it as well, at the time I was then spammed with whispers, so I went back to Henesys to the top right corner where the benches were and zWarped was there chillin with hotsmile

General Blazewizard

How are you preparing for the Revamp? Majority, if not all of my meso income from bossing on my main has gone towards new and seperate equips for my blaze wizard :D I am very excited for the revamp, it may look repetitive in KMS videos but I find the class interesting simply because I love trying out new mages [url=]Managed to kill Hilla[/url] So, are any of you early preppers such as myself? If so I'd love to hear what you're working on for your bw. :D

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