


P/c on my Marvel Run Gazed So i just did a 50k Nx Marvel Run and i thinki got lucky This will be a long list :P if you know some prices let me know And of course if you want to buy anything just pm me (will only list the good things) Terminus Claw RA Bowmen Top RA Bowmen Bot RA Thief Top Scroll for Glove ATK 50% ----------------------------------- 35 Gach Tickets Sleepy Bird Chair, Kitten Chair, Giant Mp Bottle, Tea Time Chair, Tent Chair, Settee Chair, Bunny Chair (A)Neb 4% Dex -------------------------------- Special Bonus Pot Scroll Like 10 different 90 days Mounts --------------------------------------- 100 Surprise Boxes (listing only Perm things) Gray Cat Hood Yellow Cat Hood Ebony Pimpernel Cape Belt Coat Dainty Cape x2 Pitch Dark Ou


Questionabout EleStaffs Hello, So i decided to main my Evan and i have no real idea about the mage class. So i researched about the Elestaffs (which are cheap right now) and fund out that 5 and 6 are good for evans because of the firedmg Now some1, who tries to sell me a good EleStaff 7, told me that these Damageboosts on the EleStaffs onl apply to F/p Mag and I/L Mages, but not to Evan He said, they changed that. Is this true? Also P/C on a EleStaff 7 +9 248 Matt 5 Enhancements 3lines Legendary 12% Matt 20% Boss 12% Total Dmg

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