


Starting over - come join So, I haven't played Maple in a long time and after hopping over a few other MMOs in the last 2-3 years I decided I'd come back and play some Maple. I'm looking to start over completely and would really enjoy a leveling partner or two! I don't really mind which server, but a more populated (lolwut) server would be more enjoyable imo. Let me know if you're interested by posting below! Be sure to include which server you'd prefer. And possibly which class you'd like to play? I don't know which class I'll play. Thinking I may play either a Kaiser, or a Bishop.

General Kaiser

Which is the smarter move I'm just wondering what's better between the following: A 6 piece emp set with 10'ish att and 9%str each item, or 15%str each item on a non emp set. I've just come back from a break and have 62%str already that wouldn't be affected if I were to have a 6 piece emp set scrolled for some attack. My issue is I'd have to do most of that scrolling and cubing myself if I went with the emp set in comparison to just buying 15%+str items (some of which might have attack on them. I see a nice 17att 12%str bottom right now that I can cube.)

General Aran

A little advice on rebuilding items Hello fellow Arans. I'm looking for a little advice on what to do. You see, I recently returned to my aran after a decent break, and before I left it I got rid of basically everything I owned. Now that I'm back I'm rebuilding my items to be as I once was. (Goal is to reach 20k -- my range before I quit.) A few things you should know is that I am dedicating 25-50 dollars of my paycheck every two weeks to help progress my goal. It will be my main means of making money. Now, the only real thing I'm asking you guys is this: Should I perfect my currently clean PSB first(I have a 112 5 slotted, 127atk with potential, arcglaive), or aim for more %str first? Remember that the only(well, main) means of me making m

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