
Knowing that youre good and being a braggart is different. There are a few things that some of these weaksauce players need to learn. First, lately I, and a few friends of mine, have come into contact with an alarming amount of maplers who like to talk trash about how [me especially] we [I] think that we[I'm] the greatest. I've talked to most of the strong players in the server, and they understand, but it seems that some people just don't get it. Just to let some of you people know, being good, and being proud of what you've accomplished are two different things. I'm a damn good Dark Knight, but I'm not and never was under the impression that there aren't better. Good for me isn't good for you, please stop talking trash for no reason becau

General Darkknight

144 Att PSB 158 att VIP Spear So previously, I used a 158 att 30% boss 12% dmg 8% crit VIP spear,[ blew it up with first regular enhancement], and this morning I made a 3L 144 att PSB. I'm not too sure about whether my Psb is a ton better or not. I'm wondering how much % att more do you need per speed level slower is required to match dpm between weapons. Edit: The last sentence is pretty fail. What I mean is, how much attack are the 2 speeds higher that i get from the PSB worth?