


League of Legends I was playing League about 10 minutes ago and my team was Corki, Cho, Warwick, Kayle(me), and Darius. When we load up into the game Cho and Corki were afk. I had told Cho to solo top because I was not aware he was afk. Then Darius and Warwick continue to say how good Darius was, so I said ok. Finally we realized that they were gone so I told Warwick to go bot after picking up blue. It took no more than 4minutes before top (Shyvana and Mundo) get first blood. Then a minute later Warwick dies down bot(Riven and Graves). I was taking mid as kayle against an Ashe and managed to kill her after this all happened, and decided to go protect the other lanes. I had quickly realized the other team was god awful, but Darius and Warwic

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