
What job to play.

Hi, I want to start Maplestory again but I don't know which job to pick. I have a decent amount of money so I can buy NX to buy stuff in the mts. Which job is easy and fun? Which job would be expensive? I don't know if I put the thread in the right section. If I did then sorry.

November 27, 2010

9 Comments • Newest first


[quote=rydog77]I would say go with aran for many reasons:

1. They're naturally strong. I don't have an attack wg, or any really scrolled gear, and i'm doing great! I level'd 8 times today at gallos
2. They're fast!
3. Combo system is fun![/quote]

I'm probally going to play a Aran. I have a Aran that's lv 51, I have the green grand lionman hair and green male 10 eyes. I might also play a Wind Archer. I remember when they came out I could solo Rombots at lv 36 with no wg. Do you have any warrior equipment, pole arms, bowmen equipment or bows that you have but don't need?

Reply November 27, 2010 - edited

I would say go with aran for many reasons:

1. They're naturally strong. I don't have an attack wg, or any really scrolled gear, and i'm doing great! I level'd 8 times today at gallos
2. They're fast!
3. Combo system is fun!

Reply November 27, 2010 - edited

@guitarhero1516: I might do that. When's the BB patch? Are Aran's any fun now? I have a lv 51 Aran.

Reply November 27, 2010 - edited

i would say any pirate job is fun

Reply November 27, 2010 - edited

[quote=linkyang2]If ya ask me, I say Hermit or Night Lord. Use your White knight to gain throwing stars for your Hermit.[/quote]

I only have a purple Gigantic Sledge, Maple Hat, Maple Earrings, and a Maple Glove on my WK. Where would I be able to easily get the stars?

Reply November 27, 2010 - edited

If ya ask me, I say Hermit or Night Lord. Use your White knight to gain throwing stars for your Hermit.

Reply November 27, 2010 - edited

@guitarhero1516: I don't really like White Knights anymore.
@blablaman32: Oh, thanks.
@LunicGlow: I tried a Slinger long time ago. They seem very weak to me but fun. Is it cheap to fund one?
Can someone say all the classes from most expensive to least expensive and most fun to least fun please?

Reply November 27, 2010 - edited

[quote=LunicGlow]bowmaster, shad, gun slinger.. ? I like these the most[/quote]

I like those jobs too...but I never made it past 30 on any of them

Reply November 27, 2010 - edited

I don't know many classes.

Reply November 27, 2010 - edited