

Any way to improve my range?

With little to no funds? Heres a pic of my equips.

December 3, 2012

6 Comments • Newest first


Clean slate your weapon and rescroll once the tempest event comes out.
Replace the Light Scorpio with a 71+ equip..perhaps pirate top?
Purple Osfa Pants look completely useless, no offense.
Get a czak, if you have the hookup for it. You're 152, after all.

Reply December 3, 2012

Taking the "no funds" part in consideration, leveling up.
The Lampion could be better cubed since you absolutely need that 6% str
Same thing with the osafa pants...that were chaos scrolled?

The typical response is something like slowly boost up your % luck/allstat blahblahblah

If you have no funds just level up; it won't be a large improvement, but it will still give you a good bit of damage.

Reply December 3, 2012

Great! Me and my buddy like to MP together so thanks!
I timed myself earlier fighting the BlacCrow, 35m hp boss,
Killed it in the surprising time of 1:06!

Reply December 3, 2012

I'm going to spend 15~30m buying and fusing lvl 70 equips, shoes, top, and bottom, hoping for 4%+

Reply December 3, 2012

get cwkpq pendant with a guild.

Reply December 3, 2012