Alchemy1234 #Xbox Talk

General Xbox

xbox? or nope so a bunch of my friends have xbox 360s and always tell me to get one. im having trouble deciding whether i should buy one though basically the only game i want is Black Ops 2...(zombies!), id ofc have to buy live >_> i do have the money myself to buy it i only have a wii....and Black Ops [1] for wii../twitch and im going to college in a year and my parents dont want me to bring an xbox, i dont even know if i have a TV to bring, and my other friend says not to bring it if i buy it cause ill become addicted and miss out on college (i dont think so..) someone else told me i lasted this long without one, i shouldnt need it. ANYWAY if i dont buy the xbox ill probs buy Black Ops 2 for the Wii (is it even coming out for the Wi